Farsighted scanning
Forklift drivers have to find goods in the most varying bin locations, on the floor as well as on high shelves. Barcodes simplify this work, but what scanner can read up to 10 m, while keeping the near filed aggressive performance? The Granit XP 199Xi XR Series with »FlexRange«, of course! With it, staff read barcodes on shelves and palettes without having to leave the forklift. Your customers will appreciate the time savings!
Barcodes always in focus
Large transportation of goods is a challenge for logistics workers, such as in harbours or cargo train stations. Pen and paper are a thing of the past; today, tablets are networked with ERP systems, such as the Honeywell RT10. Not only that, but thanks to instant auto-focus, it captures palettes in passing during loading and unloading. This allows the goods to reach their destination faster, and you make it all possible!
Everything’s under control
Stock on hand has to be regularly checked. A mobile computer is the ideal choice, such as the CK65: scan storage bins and product codes, enter the amount on the keyboard and keep going! Thanks to its double lens technology, the »FlexRange« module captures both large and small barcodes from near and far. With so much efficiency, it’s easy to convince your customers!
Understands every language
»FlexRange« also impresses on-the-go. Whether performing facility maintenance or in field service, robust terminals with a smartphone look are very popular. The lightweight, compact scan module is ideally integrated in the CT60 XP and easily tackles all common 1D and 2D barcodes, even postal or stacked codes. You know what your customers need!
Always with you
Last but not least, flexible, unified barcode capture is important in retail. Here, staff use the CT40 XP for customer consultation and for refilling shelves. Scanning the product barcodes is thereby indispensable. Thanks to enhanced scanning capability and practical accessories, warehousing is a piece of cake – and you deliver the necessary devices!
6803FR – Innovative »FlexRange« scan engine for every area:
Transform your customers’ workflow with »FlexRange«! Order the unified Honeywell scan engines included in the Granit XP, CT40 XP, CT60 XP, CK65 and RT10 directly from your sales representative.